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Ruby & Zoisite Skull

Ruby & Zoisite Skull

Ruby & Zoisite is a prized meditation stone. It possesses ultimate psychic abilities for allowing inter-dimensional travel and for people who practice astral projection. The alignment of the root, heart and third eye together allows for controlled, yet intense experiences filled with knowledge. For people wanting to enhance this experience, Sapphire is a stone that harmonises almost perfectly with Ruby Zoisite. This combination of stones allows for full expansion of the mind and contact with higher beings, our spiritual guides.

Ruby Zoisite is a stone suited well for mourning and releasing pain and sorrow after the death of a loved one. Spiritually you will be comforted, and though you may not realize it, you will begin to heal slowly. Within time, you will re-learn to ignite the passion back in your life and grow into an even better form of yourself.

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    Weight: 903grams

    Measuring: Height 8cm x Width 6.1cm x Depth 10.1cm   approx:

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